关键词:邕宁雅思6分班,雅思 雅思6分班 邕宁雅思6分班,雅思
邕宁雅思6分班,雅思宁波雅思培训,宁波雅思培训班,宁波学雅思哪家强,宁波新航道雅思培训励志语录:今天付出诚意,明天收获信誉。。宁波新航道学校,25年专注雅思提分。新航道教育的教学模式运用了国际先进的测评体系和严谨科学的模拟题库,在短期内专业有效地帮助学员,不仅关注学员起点水平,更加关注学习进程,随时调整课程设计,匹配综合能力,帮助学员高效实现预期目标,达到出国的标准。宁波学雅思,宁波雅思培训班,宁波专业雅思培训经典格言:宁波雅思培训,只要厄运打不垮信念,希望之光就会驱散绝望之云。-- 郑秀芳邕宁雅思6分班,雅思。
邕宁雅思6分班,雅思Many people use social media every day to get in touch with other people and know about news events. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
It is very common to see people, be they youngsters or seniors, browsing social media platforms, such as TikTok and Facebook, to keep contact with others and get themselves well-informed. Personally, I deem this commonplace advantageous.
比较老生常谈的社交媒体类话题。审题时需注意:and连接,因此考生需覆盖到社交媒体对两方面的影响:与人联系 & 获取信息。只点到其一就是偏题。
Body 1
Modern media provides its users with easier access to both their beloved ones and strangers by overcoming the geographic distance. <利用从句,点出反方观点的同时就反驳掉> Those who harbour prejudice toward social media and regard it as the factor of undermining face-to-face interaction are actually old-fashioned and even out of touch, since they picture the scenes decades ago when friends and family members contacted with each other by merely typing and receiving messages on a cold screen instead of talking face to face. In fact, things have changed with technologies booming unprecedentedly. Social media nowadays has made it possible for users to chat with each other in this virtual world just like the way they communicate in reality. In other words, it is through modern media that people are able to keep in touch by either video-chatting or uploading photos especially during the outbreak of pandemics.
【解析】“让步+反驳”的框架回应第 一个方面——与人保持联系。
? harbour vt. 持有,怀有
? undermine vt. 逐渐削弱[损害]
? out of touch 脱节,孤陋寡闻
? picture vt. 想象
? boom vi. 繁荣,迅速发展
Body 2
As to news sources, social media also has an edge over traditional forms like newspapers. <先让一小步> Admittedly, compared with news shown on social media, which may be fabricated, the stories reported on newspapers are rather authentic, since the strict censorship requires editors to be certain about minute details. Social media users may be misled by some idle gossips, and even worse, accelerate the speed of spreading such fake news via modern platforms. <反驳> However, this can in effect be prevented as long as readers foster the ability to seek authoritative sources and to distinguish the information they have acquired. Moreover, taking full advantage of news events’ travelling fast on social media, readers and viewers can get informed via palm-sized gadgets within a few hours or even minutes rather than wait at least half a day until newspapers are printed.
? have an edge over sth. 比…更有优势
? fabricate vt. 编造,捏造
? authentic adj. 权威的
? censorship n. 审查
? minute adj. 细小的
? idle gossip 无中生有的小道消息
? palm-sized gadgets 巴掌大小的小器具
In a nutshell, the downsides of social media pale into insignificance when set against its upsides.
宁波学雅思,宁波雅思培训班,宁波专业雅思培训经典格言:宁波雅思培训,大器不必晚成,趁着年轻,努力让自己的才能创造最大的价值。邕宁雅思6分班,雅思全方位了解 IELTS雅思考试
考试科目 听力、阅读、写作、口语共四科,四科取平均成绩,满分9分 |
考试报名费用 2020年1月开始雅思官方考试,邕宁雅思6分班,雅思 单次报名费用改为2170元 |
考试时间 每月举办1-4场考试,成绩在考试结束后5-7个工作日后查询 |
考试目的 IELTS 是为申请赴英语国家留学 移民的学生评定英语能力 |
01、What it is
面对活动类的话题,如果你真不知道第 一问拓展什么时,请采纳万 能维度“Popularity”(受欢迎程度)。
02、When and where you do it
针对“when”部分的拓展,我会更加推荐按照 “How you know (about)”的结构来,也就是【认知过程-目前结果】。毕竟当你回答“when you do it”的时候,带出来的是一个固定时间点,比如:每天晚饭后,而这样的时间点需要有“the first time I tried it”作为铺垫,从而更好的来引出最后的时间信息。
? 如果只能线上或线下,我们就选择其中一个,并做细节拓展。若线下,多数都是在公共场所,为此,我们可进一步拓展它的地理位置、收费、受欢迎程度、设施等信息;若线上,则可对网站进行介绍。
? 若你的这个活动可线上、线下同时进行,我们则可以按“主次”或“时间线”来拓展细节。
? 按主次拆分:绝大多数情况下,在线上或线下;有的时候,在线下或线上;
? 按时间线拆分:过去在线上或线下,现在在线下或线上。
雅思口语高频Part 2话题-学习工作之余的活动
03、Who you do it with
这类小问题在之前很多话题里也有做过解析。我有说过【who with】类型问题分为两种情况,一种是反复性的,也就是你会和别人一起做的次数超过一次;另一种是一次性的,当你阐述的话题是Describe a time...的时候。
? 按主次拆分:绝大多数情况下,和谁一起;偶尔和谁一起。
? 按时间线拆分:最初和谁一起;现在和谁一起。
04、How you felt about it
首先针对于【how you felt about】类型问题,我们可以从positive以及negative这两方面来阐述。它们也分别对应了活动可能带来的好处以及活动存在的问题。
活动的好处:社交性/ 娱乐性/ (性格)的改变/(知识面/技能)的提升等
活动存在的问题:危险性/ 无聊等
? What it is
There are so many things that I like to do after school, but my favorite thing is skateboarding. In the past, many parents didn't let their children try it, as they thought it was dangerous but nowadays it has become popular, mostly due to the fact that many celebrities have started doing it, so people want to follow in their footsteps. There are always many people skateboarding in the park.
? When and where you do it
I remember the first time I tried it was about a year ago. At that time, my friend invited me to a trial class. Although I fell off the board many times, I still enjoyed it. Then I got my own private instructor who taught me some techniques and tricks.
Now I have got the hang of it, but I still practice every day without fail. Most of the time, I practice it in a park nearby. They have actually built a mini skate park with ramps and jumps so most skateboarders hang out there. I like it as I get to meet like-minded people.
? Who you do it with
At first, I mostly just skateboarded alone but over time I got to meet new people at the skate park, and we skate together which is fun. We push each other to try new things. Most of the people are my age but go to different schools. Even though we are all very different, we have a lot in common.
? How you felt about it
Well other than leaving me with a few bumps and bruises, I love it. Skateboarding has made me come out of my shell. I used to be very timid and shy. I didn’t like to communicate with others and was afraid of meeting new people.
But now I am much more confident and outgoing. My mum has also noticed a difference and although she worries about me breaking my arm, she thinks skateboarding is a good activity for me to do.
宁波雅思培训,宁波雅思培训班,宁波学雅思哪家强,宁波新航道雅思培训励志语录:真理,哪怕只见到一线,我们也不能让它的光辉变得暗淡。 —— 李四光邕宁雅思6分班,雅思。
南宁新航道 新航道学校以“我坚持,我成功”为精神内涵,坚持“学术、励志、激情”的教学风格,切实践行“精品小班+全程助教+个性化服务”三大标准
授课地址:南宁市兴宁区朝阳路38号新朝阳商业大厦13层 预约参观