关键词:安吉留学培训班雅思,湖州学雅思 留学培训班雅思 安吉留学培训班雅思,湖州学雅思
安吉留学培训班雅思,湖州学雅思湖州雅思培训,湖州雅思培训班,湖州学雅思哪家强,湖州新航道雅思培训励志语录:奢则妄取苟取,志气卑辱;一从俭约,则于人无求,于己无愧,是可以养气也。——罗大经。郑州新航道学校,25年专注雅思提分。新航道教育的教学模式运用了国际先进的测评体系和严谨科学的模拟题库,在短期内专业有效地帮助学员,不仅关注学员起点水平,更加关注学习进程,随时调整课程设计,匹配综合能力,帮助学员高效实现预期目标,达到出国的标准。湖州雅思培训,湖州雅思培训班,湖州学雅思哪家强,湖州新航道雅思培训励志语录:When all else is lost the future still remains.安吉留学培训班雅思,湖州学雅思。
安吉留学培训班雅思,湖州学雅思 大学生学费都由个人付?每场雅思考试之后,第 一时间分享本场考试雅思A类大作文的范文权威解析。欢迎每周锁定。
Some people believe that university students should pay all the costs of studies because university education only benefits students themselves not the society as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Are university graduates the only beneficiaries of tertiary education? The answer is absolutely “No”. Personally, government and college students should be jointly responsible for the costs involved in providing university courses for the reason that both of them can be benefitted.
2015年教育类老话题,重点抓住题干中的极端词“all”, “only”,立场:不同意。相关话题:(1) In some countries, students pay their college or university fees, while in some others, government pays for them. Do you think the advantages that government pays the money outweigh the disadvantages? (2) Today, university students’ tuition is paid in one of the following ways: 1.all paid by government; 2.all paid by students themselves; 3. all paid by students using a loan and repaid after graduation. Compare the advantages of these three ways and choose the one you think is the best.
? beneficiary n. 受益人,受惠者
? tertiary adj. <英> (继初等、中等教育之后的)高等教育的,大学教育的
? jointly adv. 联合地,共同地
Body 1
Admittedly, higher education can bring certain gains to individual students. More accurately, it is through pursuing college-level education that students acquire professional knowledge and skills which will facilitate them to secure a decent job with a generous salary so as to earn their daily sustenance after graduation. Meanwhile, having participated in diverse seminars and lectures, students can also sharpen their wits, think out of the box, and spice up their lives. In this case, it is justifiable to charge ordinary students a reasonable tuition fee. As to the students from impoverished families, they can finish college via loans provided by the government.
题干中隐藏“因果关系”,是论述立场时的关键。[让步] 个人受益:保证获得工作,养活自己 → 个人应该承担学费;考虑低保家庭,政府可提供贷款辅助完成学业
? secure vt. 获得
? generous adj. 慷慨的;丰富的
? spice up v. 增添趣味
? impoverished adj. 非常贫困的
Body 2
However, I am totally against that individual graduates are the only beneficiaries, which indicates that behind higher education are more upsides for the society as a whole. To illustrate, those students who have a facility for academics are more likely to be nurtured into talents through tertiary education, which will inject vitality into scientific domains conducive to social soundness, such as healthcare, engineering, national defence, etc. Additionally, ordinary graduates, having cultivated the professional skills, will engage themselves in all walks of life, which will in the long term guarantee the whole society a more vigorous and productive workforce. In this sense, the government ought to allocate some budgets in the form of scholarships and subsidies that can offset part of students’ tuition fees.
[立论] 对社会有好处:1. 有天赋的学生可以被培养成人才,为科研领域注入新鲜血液;2. 普通学生:更有活力的劳动市场 → 政府应该“以奖学金或补贴的方式”投入费用
? facility n. 天赋
? nurture vt. 培育,培养
? vitality n. 生命力,生机
? conducive to adj. 对…有用
? offset vt. 抵消,补偿
In light of the above, students and authorities should jointly pay for the tuition fees, since both of them are benefitted from university education.
湖州雅思培训,湖州雅思培训班,湖州学雅思哪家强,湖州新航道雅思培训励志语录:读书是在别人思想的帮助下,建立起自己的思想。——鲁巴金安吉留学培训班雅思,湖州学雅思全方位了解 IELTS雅思考试
考试科目 听力、阅读、写作、口语共四科,四科取平均成绩,满分9分 |
考试报名费用 2020年1月开始雅思官方考试,安吉留学培训班雅思,湖州学雅思 单次报名费用改为2170元 |
考试时间 每月举办1-4场考试,成绩在考试结束后5-7个工作日后查询 |
考试目的 IELTS 是为申请赴英语国家留学 移民的学生评定英语能力 |
#Part2 话题
Describe a time when you helped a friend
You should say:
When it was
How you helped him/her
Why you helped him/her
And how you felt about it
When it was
第 一小问是什么时候的事情,表达整个故事的背景,是你的哪一位朋友,他遇到了什么问题等等。
How you helped him/her
Why you helped him/her
And how you felt about it
True friendship fills your life with joy. It thrives primarily on love and support provided by friends to each other. Although I have provided support to my friends many times, one instance is worth sharing.
Last month due to the corona pandemic, my city was in a state of lockdown. During that time, my friend Andrew needed my help as he was unwell. Although the administration banned stepping out of homes, I managed to help my friend.
Andrew is my bosom friend and my next-door neighbour too. He had called me and told me that he is having severe pain in his throat coupled with a high fever. Immediately I had gone to his home and picked him to take him to the nearby hospital. Since his symptoms were of Corona disease, I wore a PPE Kit to protect myself. When we had stepped out of our society in the car, the local police stopped us. Despite repeated requests, The concerned policeman was not allowing us to go further. My friend’s health condition was deteriorating. I immediately send a message to the Commissioner of police on his Twitter handle. I explained the whole scenario in the message. After 10 minutes, I received a permission letter on my phone. We reached the hospital. The doctor gave him treatment. Upon reaching home, we both quarantined ourselves. After 2-3 days, Andrew recovered. Moreover, the report of the corona test for both of us turned out to be negative. We both had a sigh of relief.
I helped him because I believe helping each other in tough times is our bounden duty. When Andrew had recovered, I felt like I did a great job by taking the risk of going out during lockdown to help my friend.
P3 帮助朋友
# How do people usually help each other?
People usually help each other by providing support to each other during happy as well as tough times. The support could be either monetary or non-monetary. Like providing money, goods or services to your near and dear ones in case of a requirement.
# How is online help different from real-life help?
In this era of digitalisation, there is not much of a difference between online and real-life help. Because in case you want to offer your services personally by going to the person’s place then real-life help is the only option. Otherwise, the benefits served from both options are more or less the same.
# Should schools be responsible for teaching students how to cooperate?
I think, the onus of teaching the students how to cooperate should be on the schools, parents and society. Because students spend around eight hours in the school, rest of the time they spend with their family or in the company of their near and dear ones.
# What are the differences between help from friends and help from family?
The help from family is more prompt and regular because our family is emotionally attached to us. Whereas, help from friends is also available in case of a need, but that is not as speedy as help from the family.
keep in contact and remain close 保持联系且关系紧密
have a hunch 对...有预感
urge sb. to 敦促某人
be straight with sb. 对某人坦白
down payment 首付
lend a helping hand 伸出援手湖州雅思培训,湖州雅思培训班,湖州学雅思哪家强,湖州新航道雅思培训励志语录:伤人之语,如水覆地,难以挽回。安吉留学培训班雅思,湖州学雅思。
湖州新航道 湖州新航道,集团成立19年,连续七年蝉联雅思官方白金级合作伙伴,托福联盟星级成员,爱德思A-Level官方合作考点。
咨询热线:400-6169-615 。
教室整齐布置着,学员们专注听课的样子让人印象深刻。 这种封闭式教学方式帮助学员集中精力,提高学习效果。
与其他英语培训机构相比,湖州新航道有着独特的优势。 首先,它由中国教育界英语培训领域专家创办,并成为地区数一数二的英语培训机构。其次,在满足目标用户需求方面更胜一筹:个性化辅导、多种教学方式等其他机构都无法媲美。
适合报名湖州新航道的目标用户有很多哦! 如果你准备备考出国考试、海外留学或移民目标,我们能够满足你的需求! 不仅如此,我们还提供灵活便捷的学习体验,无论是线下面授、在线网课还是人工智能技术都可以选择!
湖州新航道雅思常规班 | 湖州新航道雅思小班 | 湖州新航道雅思一对一 |
雅思考前速递大班 | 雅思考前速递小班 | 雅思一对一 |
雅思强化7分大班 | 雅思强化7分小班 | 雅思5分一对一 |
雅思精讲7分大班 | 雅思精讲7分小班 | 雅思5.5分一对一 |
雅思入门7分大班 | 雅思入门7分小班 | 雅思6分一对一 |
雅思强化6.5分大班 | 雅思强化6.5分小班 | 雅思6.5分一对一 |
雅思精讲6.5分大班 | 雅思精讲6.5分小班 | 雅思7分一对一 |
雅思入门6.5分大班 | 雅思入门6.5分小班 | 雅思听力一对一 |
雅思精讲6分大班 | 雅思精讲6分小班 | 雅思写作一对一 |
雅思入门6分大班 | 雅思入门6分小班 | 雅思阅读一对一 |
湖州新航道托福常规班 | 湖州新航道托福小班 | 湖州新航道托福一对一 |
托福强化100分大班 | 托福强化100分小班 | 托福一对一 |
托福精讲100分大班 | 托福精讲100分小班 | 托福VIP |
托福入门100分大班 | 托福入门100分小班 | 托福个性化辅导 |
托福预备100分大班 | 托福预备100分小班 | 托福90分一对一 |
托福精讲90分大班 | 托福精讲90分小班 | 托福100分一对一 |
托福入门90分大班 | 托福入门90分小班 | 小托福一对一 |
托福预备90分大班 | 托福预备90分小班 | 托福一对一辅导 |
雅思托福 | 梦想起航的地方
湖州新航道国际学校备考课程 | 湖州新航道A-level课程 | 湖州新航道AP课程 |
国际学校备考 | A-level化学(IG/As/A2) | AP个性化辅导 |
国际高中 | A-level物理(IG/As/A2) | AP课程任选4门 |
留学备考 | A-level经济学(IG/As/A2) | AP课程任选3门 |
国际学校 | A-level进阶数学(IG/As/A2) | AP课程任选2门 |
IB课程 | A-level数学(iG/AS/A2) | AP课程任选1门 |
六大课程板块 更多学习选择
多种授课方式 助你安心学习:
入读国际学校/海外学校 同等条件下优先录取
湖州SAT/ACT课程 | 湖州新航道GRE/GMAT课程 | 湖州新航道留学服务 |
ACT强化30分班 | GMAT一对一 | 美国留学服务 |
ACT基础30分班 | GRE一对一 | 英国留学服务 |
ACT基础28分班 | GMAT强化班 | 加拿大留学服务 |
SAT1400分加强班 | 托福强化100分班+GMAT强化710分班 | 澳大利亚留学服务 |
SAT强化1400分 | 托福精讲100分班+GMAT强化710分班 | 韩国留学服务 |
SAT基础1400分 | GRE320分班 | 日本留学服务 |
SAT强化1300分 | 托福强化100分班+GRE320分班 | 马来西亚留学服务 |
SAT基础1300分 | 托福精讲100分班+GRE320分班 | 中国香港留学服务 |
SAT基础1200分 | SSAT一对一 | 新加坡留学服务 |
二 、在同一时间要集中精力应对一道考题,不要同时顾忌多道考题,以免分散注意力,从而对考题产生不必要的误解;
湖州新航道英语四六级课程 | 湖州新航道考研培训课程 | 湖州新航道商务英语课程 |
四六级一对一 | 考研英语 | 商务英语培训 |
四级全程班 | 考研一对一 | 商务英语一对一 |
四六级冲刺班 | 考研公开课 | 成人英语培训 |
湖州新航道日语课程 | 湖州新航道韩语课程 | 湖州新航道法语课程 | 湖州新航道德语课程 | 湖州新航道西班牙语课程 |
日语N1班 日语N2班 日语N3班 日语N4班 日语N5班 | 韩语T1班 韩语T2班 韩语T3班 | 法语A1班 法语A2班 法语B1班 | 德语A1班 德语A2班 德语B1班 | 西班牙语B1班 西班牙语A2班 西班牙语A1班 |
【免费试学】湖州小语种培训学校 | 个性化定制方案 | 多种小语种课程
亮点一:多种小语种培训 我们提供英语、日语、韩语、法语等多种小语种的专业培训课程。无论你对哪门外语感兴趣,我们都能满足你的需求!
亮点二:个性化定制方案 作为专业的外语培训机构,我们拥有名师团队,能够为每位学员免费定制学习方案和快速测试。不管你是初级还是高级水平,我们都会为你量身打造最适合的课程。
亮点三:商务韩语和留学培训 除了普通课程外,我们还开设了商务韩语和日本留学培训班。如果你计划留学或者需要掌握商务用韩文或日文技巧,那么这里将是你最好的选择!
亮点四:网上预约试听与免费咨询服务 为了给大家提供更便捷的服务体验,我们支持网上预约试听和免费咨询。只需轻松点击几下,就可以了解更多关于课程内容、教师资质等信息。
免费试学 + 满意再报名交费
对比同类产品: 湖州返学费网是湖州最大的教育返利平台,在推荐班级和课程方面有一定优势;而我们则注重提供全面系统化且个性化定制方案,并且在教师资质与教授方法上也有着明确优势。
时间顺序安排: 首先,在完成免费试听后进行快速测试并得到个性化定制方案;然后根据自身水平选择合适阶段(如初级、中级等);最后按照具体安排参加相应课程并付款即可。
授课地址:浙江省湖州市吴兴区人民路58号苏宁嘉悦中心 预约参观