关键词:思明培训学校雅思,绍兴雅思备考 培训学校雅思 思明培训学校雅思,绍兴雅思备考
Part 1
1. Work or Study
2. Accommodation
3. Hometown
Work or Study
Do you like your subject?
Why did you choose to study this subject?
Was there any course you didn't like while studying this subject?
Have you thought of being a teacher?
(Similar to above) Would you like to be a teacher?
What kinds of people can be teachers?
What kind of job would you prefer after graduation?
Which do you think is more important at school, academic skills, or practical skills?
Do you think that people without qualifications can be successful?
What can make your online study better?
What electronic devices do you use to help you study?
When did you start this job?
Which part of your job do you dislike about your job? / Is there a part of your job that you dislike?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Do you use any technology in your job / for your work?
Do you like the area where you live ?
Do you live in a flat or an apartment?
What's your favourite part of the area where you live ?
Do you like living in your current accommodation?
What kind of accommodation would you like to live in?
Are you familiar with your neighbours?
What can you see out of your window?
What can you see from the window of your dormitory?
What’s your favourite place in your hometown?
Do you think the area you live is a good place for a family to live/for children to play?
Do you think where you live is suitable for children and elderly people?
What changes have you seen in your hometown?
Do you like the changes in your hometown?
Do you have friends living not far away from you?
Do you like living in your hometown?
Did you like living in your hometown when you were younger?
Part 1 保留题目(16个)
1. Primary/First School
2. Flowers
3. Wild Animals
4. Stars and Sky
5. Car Trips
6. Wearing Special Costumes/Clothes
7. Having a Barbecue
8. Advertising
9. Public Holidays
10. Trees
11. Remembering Names
12. Take a Rest/relaxation
13. Museums
14. Home Country
15. Farm / Farming
16. TV Programmes
Primary/First School
Where was your first school?
How did you go to school each day?
What was your favourite ? thing/activity/teacher in this school? What did you like best about this school?
Did yo enjoy spending time in this school?
What did you like to do the most when you were at primary school?
What did you do in your leisure time when you were at primary school?
Do you like flowers?
Do you have flowers? (Why?)
Have you bought/planted any flowers?
When was the last time you bought flowers?
Did you give flowers to somebody recently?
Are flowers used for special occasions in your country?
Do you know any flowers that have special meanings in China?
When do Chinese people often buy flowers?
Part 2&3
人物类 – 保留题目
1. An Older Person
2. A Person Wearing Unusual Clothes
3. A Singer/Famous Person
地点类 – 保留题目
1. A Quiet Place
2. A City You Would Like to Live In
3. A Tall Building
4. A Market
物品类(实物)- 保留题目
1. Household Equipment
2. Something You Shared
3. Happy Shopping
4. An important Item/Thing Kept in Your Family
5. A Toy / Your Favourite Toy
6. A Wild Animal
提供海外语言标化考试(雅思、托福、PTE、多邻国等)培训,海外入学标化考试(SAT、ACT、GRE、 GMAT等)培训,综合英语(剑桥英语通用五级、剑桥英语(FOR REAL教材)等),大学生英语(四六 级、考研英语等)培训等。厦门雅思辅导,厦门雅思6分班,厦门雅思6.5分培训,厦门雅思7分班,厦门新航道雅思培训经典格言:人生最大的光荣,不在于从不失败,而在于能屡仆屡起。 哥尔德斯密斯思明培训学校雅思,绍兴雅思备考。
新航道雅思,绍兴新航道多年来与各大官方保持密切关系,于2014年成为 雅思官方合作伙伴,2020年成为雅思官方“IELTS SpeakUP项目”合作伙伴。思明培训学校雅思,绍兴雅思备考厦门雅思辅导,厦门雅思6分班,厦门雅思6.5分培训,厦门雅思7分班,厦门新航道雅思培训经典格言:鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。。
著有《全球胜任力:面向未来的青少年核心素养》,是国内第一部系统论述该理论的专著;翻译《未来世界青少年行动指南——PISA 如何评估全球胜任力》和《为全球胜任力而教——在快速变革的世界培养全球胜任力》,帮助教育者了解国际教育领先理念。
授课地址:厦门2大直营校区就近入学。 预约参观