合肥高中生雅思培训班,合肥雅思。合肥雅思培训,合肥雅思培训班,合肥学雅思哪家强,合肥新航道雅思培训励志语录:天才失败了就是蠢才!合肥高中生雅思培训班,合肥雅思。合肥新航道培训学校致力于提供专业的英语培训服务,本着因材施教,为学员服务的理念,针对不同学员的自身情况,量身打造学习方案及留学规划,真正实现前期规划学习路线,中期保障教学质量,后期保证语言成绩.我们热切期望,个性化私属教学方案能激发你巨大潜质,最终帮你实现留学梦想。 合肥雅思培训,合肥雅思培训班,合肥学雅思哪家强,合肥新航道雅思培训励志语录:I have no secret of success but hard work.。

Some people agree that the best way to become successful in life is to get the university education, while others disagree and reckon that nowadays it is no longer true. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
In most cases, many people argue that the most crucial factor of success is to receive tertiary education, while recently some regard this argument as indefensible since things have changed. Personally, the key to this debate lies in the definition of “successful”.
看似双边讨论题型,但细看观点:一边是the best way,一边是nowadays no longer,两边都出现极端词,且观点互斥。这题其实是个单主体,讨论“高等教育是否是成功的最好途径”。本题有点难,基于现实描述,高等教育确实是目前最好的方式,但要论证best,却不是一件易事。可以从抽象名词successful下手,定义不同,决定立场不同。
老题新改,其他相关题目:Some people believe that studying in a college or university is the best way for students to prepare for their future career. Others think they should leave school as soon as possible to develop their career through work experience. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(2013.03.09)Some people believe that academic qualifications always bring success, while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(2025.02.25)
? tertiary adj. <英>(继初等、中等教育之后的)高等教育的,大学教育的
? indefensible adj. 站不住脚的
Body 1
Traditionally, success is defined as winning honourable distinctions in the domains related to scientific research or academia, which will further secure high reputation and social status. In this case, academic qualifications are a must. As such honorary titles are few and far between and thus hard to come by, the competition for the few positions available each year is extremely intense given the sea of applicants applying. To have an edge over their counterparts, those applicants are required to obtain certain research findings and win approval of scholars in relevant fields. To this end, higher education is the most fundamental but vital way to polish their knowledge. Even pragmatic jobs like doctors or nurses also ask for a firm theoretical foundation.
? distinction n. 殊勋;荣誉称号
? secure vt. 导致;赢得
? few and far between 少之又少
? come by v. 获得
? intense adj. (活动)紧张的,认真的,激烈的
? given prep. 考虑到
? have an edge over 比…有优势
? counterpart n. 对应的人(或物);对手方
? to this end 为了达成这个目的
? polish vt. 打磨;润色
Body 2
However, in the fields irrelevant to academic circles, being successful is in no need of university education for the reason that theoretical knowledge is no longer the prerequisite. Sportsmen can serve as a compelling example. For the sake of attaining prizes in both national and international games, swimmers should learn how to speed up their strokes and adjust breaths under systematic training with scientific instruction instead of acquiring the knowledge regarding how muscles and lungs function. It is a commonplace that game winners are not those knowledgeable experts in biological domains. In addition to make achievements in work or study, either sound relationships among others or peaceful lives are also defined as success nowadays, which does not require any educational qualification. Worldwide, there are an enormous number of people leading a steady life with their beloved ones without getting a diploma.
1. 在非科研领域,比如运动员,获得奖项未必需要上大学,只需要专业的训练;
2. 成功不局限在工作层面,有人的成功定义为:拥有美满的关系,也不用上大学。
? prerequisite n. 前提条件;先决条件
? stroke n. (游泳或划船的)一次划水
? function vi. 运作;运转
In conclusion, since people have diverse definitions of the word “successful”, tertiary education is not always essential at present.

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