【杭州环球雅思托福】24小时咨询热线:400-6169-615 QQ599911198,杭州环球雅思托福培训学校14年来以驰名独特的"环球实用应试教学模式",迅速发展成为具有全国雅思培训、托福培训、SAT培训、GRE培训、四六级培训、外教口语培训、新概念英语培训、夏冬令营,成为第一个中国教育行业旗舰连锁机构,被称为"中国人的英语学习强国"。预约试听体验课及更多课程优惠活动请在线咨询或致电我们值班老师!!
1.Assure sb. of… 使某人确信
She tried to assure me of her faithfulness to me and did everything she could to prove that I was her only man.
2.Create an atmosphere of…创造…的气氛
We must create a favorable atmosphere of learning for the students before we can possibly hope to make their learning more fruitful.
3.Attach great importance to …极其重视
Many countries began to attach great importance to the problem of brain drain, though effective measures have not been taken curve the growth.
4.Bend one's effort for…致力于
He knew that he could buy the position he was aiming at, so he bent his efforts for the preparation of it and was trying to get in with one of his upper notches.
Most historians attribute such a phenomenon to wars and disasters caused by wars.