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1.to relax
常用词汇及短语:pressure,stress,tension,release,stressed,stressful,study,academic,work,part-time,full-time,to take a break,to refresh one's mind etc.
例题1:What is your favorite activity to do in the weekend? Give reasons to explain your answer.
思路:比如我们说最喜欢运动(doing sports),可以用的一个原因就是“运动使我放松”,因为周中的学习已经积累了很多压力,周末和朋友们打篮球或踢足球可以很好地释放那些压力。
Sports can help me relax a lot. You see, I have already been very stressful from my academic study during the weekdays, so playing basketball or soccer with my friends on Saturdays or Sundays can effectively release my pressure.
例题2:Some universities require students to take PE classes. Others don't have this requirement. Which do you agree with and why?
University students can totally relax themselves in PE classes. They have already been tired from their academic study, so having some exercise like running or swimming can help them refresh their minds and release their pressure.
例题3:Which trait of you do your friends like the best: Kindness, cheerfulness or intelligence?
思路:这是一道考过的的三选一的task 1,直接选不太好说,但我们可以从理由入手,哪一种性格特点可以使朋友们 "relax",选择就呼之欲出了:
My cheerfulness always relaxes my friends. When they are tired from work or have some arguments with each other, my funny jokes and positive attitude can greatly release their stress and get rid of their tension.
2.to broaden one's horizon
常用词汇及短语:scenery,communicate,news updates,culture,tradition,to connect with the world etc.
例题1:What is your favorite activity to do in the weekend? Give reasons to explain your answer.
Travelling makes me broaden my horizon. After seeing a variety of sceneries, I am amazed by the wonderfulness of the world; and by communicating with local citizens in different places, I have more understanding about their cultures and traditions.
例题2:Some people believe that television has had a positive influence on society. Others believe it has had a negative influence on society. Which do you agree with and why?
Television can help people broaden their horizons. Normally people don't have time or money to travel all the time; however, they can always learn something about other cultures or receive news updates from the other side of the globe on TV.
例题3:If you are about to make a donation to a community, which one would you prefer: city library, animal rescue center or environmental organization?
Right now in our city library, the most common collections for teenagers are textbooks and references. With more money, I'd like it to have more novels and biographies because they can help the young adults broaden their horizons and it will be beneficial for their growth.