【杭州环球雅思托福】24小时咨询热线:400-6169-615 QQ599911198,杭州环球雅思托福培训学校14年来以驰名独特的"环球实用应试教学模式",迅速发展成为具有全国雅思培训、托福培训、SAT培训、GRE培训、四六级培训、外教口语培训、新概念英语培训、夏冬令营,成为第一个中国教育行业旗舰连锁机构,被称为"中国人的英语学习强国"。预约试听体验课及更多课程优惠活动请在线咨询或致电我们值班老师!!
Task 1
1.If a high school is planning to organize an after-school activity for its students, what kind of activity would you recommend and why?
I strongly recommend that the high school should organize basketball matches for the students. The most important reason is that basketball matches will help students build up their stamina, which brings great benefits to their study and the activities will certainly encourage more students to take part in sports rather than spend all day long on their academic study, which leads to a poor health condition and low efficiency in study. Second, Basketball matches are able to help students learn cooperation and competition, which are essential for them when they get started to work.
2. If your university is planning to improve its campus. Which do you think needs to be improved the most: the swimming pool, the cafeteria, or the dormitory?
Well, I believe all types of music are enjoyable, however, I would mention Hip Pop to be the lowest of my ranking. For me, a graceful piece of music should contain either the beautiful lyrics or the sounding rhythms. But the first time I listened to Hip Pop in a mini concert, I felt like being abandoned on a noisy island. I barely heard anything clear but dozens of words floating in the air. I could not concentrate on the lyrics to understand the songwriter’s thoughts, not to mention having any responsive chord deep in my heart. Though Hip Pop has kind of magic power to make everyone move, it is still hard to touch me in most of the cases.
3.What are the advantages of further education abroad? Please give your answer with specific examples and details.
Furthering one’s education in a foreign country generates a number of benefits, which is why it has become a growing trend. First of all, it offers a unique opportunity for students to achieve their independence and allow them to develop some survival skills. Many students become much more independent after they come back from studying abroad. Secondly, using a second language to acquire knowledge and skills is a tremendously valuable learning experience for students. Finally, in their spare time, students can go outside the classroom and take part in a wide range of social, sports and recreational activities, for the purpose of broadening their horizons.
4. Which one you will learn: play a piano, swim, and repair a car.
Personally, I would probably learn how to play the piano. Firstly, learning how to play the piano is definitely a good way to cultivate myself. I could not only enjoy the music created by prominent pianists, but also learn much about music itself. In addition, if I am really good at playing the piano, I could perform in front of a large number of people. It could give me a sense of achievement. What’s more, it’s easy for me to make a great deal of money, being a qualified piano teacher. Last but not least, I would be able to make some friends who have much in common with me. That’s why I am so jealous of those people who can play the piano.
5.A professor want you to help him on his very important project while it's your sister birthday party. Which one do you prefer?
As for me, I ‘d like to go to my sister’s birthday party and celebrate with her. I have a couple of reasons. To begin with, family bonding is far more essential in life than just do research in school and get a good GPA. My sister will be really excited to have me on her birthday party. It will be a shame for me to let her down. And her birthday only happens once a year, so it means a lot to her. Moreover, I believe the professor will understand my dilemma and won’t blame me for that. Also, I still have chances to help him with other projects in the future.