湖州新航道报名 雅思班,湖州学雅思 湖州新航道报名 雅思班,湖州学雅思 湖州学雅思,湖州专业雅思培训,湖州雅思单项培训,湖州雅思一对一,湖州新航道励志语:未遭拒绝的成功决不会长久。。
湖州新航道报名 雅思班,湖州学雅思小作文的图表类作文和大作文的立论类作文各自的常见话题总结。雅思写作要求我们在规定时间内写出2篇作文,一篇是看图表描述,一篇是写出自己的观点。那么雅思的作文经常会考什么样的话题呢?以下我们为大家总结了一些常考的。
Task 1 : ( 图表描述题 )
1. The tables compare the amount of students who study at different levels of education in different countries? ( 比较不同国家的教育水平 )
2. Compare people's income and tax in different countries. ( 不同国家人民收入与税金之比较。)
3. Compare the different household tasks and who does them. ( 比较男女在家事上的内容不同及其分担比率。 )
4. Compare the difference between the rates of car theft, insurance costs and number of policemen. ( 比较各国之汽车被偷率 、保险金高低和警察人数多寡之不同。)
5. Describe what kind of jobs people do in relation to their university major . ( 描述毕业生工作职务与大学在校主修之关系。)
6. Describe how water is gathered? ( 试描述水之取得 )
7. Compare the construction of houses and how well they insulate the houses in summer and winter. ( 比较三个房子在冬天.夏天的结构及隔热情形 )
8. The tables compare the amount of students who study at different levels of education in different countries? ( 不同国家之学生修读的教育程度总额之不同,教育水平之比较 )
Task 2 : (申论题 )
1. Most high level jobs are done by men. Should the government encourage a certain percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women?(女性弱势团体工作的保障名额的必要性与否? )
2. Are famous people treated unfairly by the media ? Should they be given more privacy, or is the price of their fame an invasion into their private lives?(公众人物是否得到大众传播媒体的不尊重?他们是否该拥有隐私权,他们隐私权之被侵害是否正是因其名该付出代价?)
3. Should developing countries concentrate on Improving industrial skills or should they promote education first?(发展中国家应致力于发展科技研究或发展人文教育上?)
4. Safety standards are important when building people's homes. Who should be responsible for enforcing strict building codes - the government or the people who build the homes?(住屋之安全标准是极重要的,这是政府还是建筑商(者)之责任?)
5. Does modern technology make life more convenient, or was life better when technology was simpler?(现代科技发展带给我们的生活更高的方便性?还是以前的生活美好?)
6. In your opinion what factors contribute to a good movie?(你认为什么样的因素可造就一部好的电影? )
7. Does modern technology make life more convenient, or was life better when technology was simpler?(现代科技发展结果对我们来说是利或弊)
8. Does travel help to promote understanding and communication between countries?(观光旅行对于国家之间的交流与认试是否有帮助?)
9. If children behave badly ,should their parents accept responsibility and also be punished?(父母应不应该为子女的不良行为负责并受罚?)
10. What should a government do for a country to become successful?(政府应做何德政来使国家走向成功?)
11. Should sports classes be sacrificed in High School so students can concentrate on Academic subjects?(您赞成牺牲中学生的在校运动课程,以转移至主科得课程吗?)
12. Nowadays doctors can become very rich. Maybe they should not focus on profitable activities such as plastic surgery or looking after rich patients and concentrate more on patients health, no matter how rich they are?(医生的第 一义务是否(顾虑)应是以救人为主,且不论病人之贫贱,而非以利益为优先之手术及较照顾富有的病人)
13. Will modern technology, such as the internet ever replace the book or the written word as the main source of information?(在信息世界里,现代科技中如计算机网络,是否将会取代书籍及其它书寓式大众传播媒体)
14. Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of giving international Aid to poor countries.(讨论国际救援行动之于贫穷国家的利与弊)
15. Should criminals be punished with lengthy jail terms or re-educated and rehabituated, using community service programs for instance, before being reintroduced to society?(犯罪者应以入狱之行罚处分之,还是以"再教育.再适应的方式",如社区服务.活动.课程…等,来导引他们再进入社会)
16. Computers can translate all kinds of languages well so our children don't need to learn more languages in the future?(计算机本身已可翻译各种语言,在未来我们的孩子们将可不必学习多国语言?)
湖州雅思培训,湖州雅思培训班,湖州学雅思哪家强,湖州新航道雅思培训励志语录:道听而途说,德之弃也。湖州新航道报名 雅思班,湖州学雅思。
提供海外语言标化考试(雅思、托福、PTE、多邻国等)培训,海外入学标化考试(SAT、ACT、GRE、 GMAT等)培训,综合英语(剑桥英语通用五级、剑桥英语(FOR REAL教材)等),大学生英语(四六 级、考研英语等)培训等。湖州雅思培训,湖州雅思培训班,湖州学雅思哪家强,湖州新航道雅思培训励志语录:书籍对于人类原有很重大的意义……,但,书籍不仅对那些不会读书的人是毫无用处,就是对那些机械地读完了书还不会从死的文字中引申活的思想的人也是无用的。——乌申斯基湖州新航道报名 雅思班,湖州学雅思。

新航道雅思,郑州新航道多年来与各大官方保持密切关系,于2014年成为 雅思官方合作伙伴,2020年成为雅思官方“IELTS SpeakUP项目”合作伙伴。湖州新航道报名 雅思班,湖州学雅思湖州雅思培训,湖州雅思培训班,湖州学雅思哪家强,湖州新航道雅思培训励志语录:君子一言,驷马难追。。
新航道雅思,郑州新航道携手各大著名出版社,出版学术著作,其中《雅思精品》系列、《雅思高阶》系列,《雅思集训》系列、湖州新航道报名 雅思班,湖州学雅思《雅思热身》系列、《雅思突破》系列、《剑桥雅思全真试题15解析》等书籍受学子欢迎。
提供国际教育综合服务,包括国际学校择校及入学备考,国际学校GPA课程,QS世界大学100院校读本服务,海内外升硕服务,课外活动和背景培养项目,海外留学申请及境外服务、留学前海外标化考试(雅思、托福、GRE、GMAT)及综合英语培训。湖州雅思培训,湖州雅思培训班,湖州学雅思哪家强,湖州新航道雅思培训励志语录:节欲戒怒,是保身法,收敛安静,是治家法,随便自然,是省事法,行善修心是出世法。守此四法,结局通达。湖州新航道报名 雅思班,湖州学雅思。