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义乌欧文外语学校,专注义乌外语培训小语种培训13年!中外教结合,小班授课!累计培训学员超20000人,预约免费试听课:400-6169-615 义乌外语培训领域的“黄埔军校”
Irwin was founded in 2007 with the approval of the Yiwu bureau of education. It is the standard foreign language training institution and is supported by the Yiwu Government. Irwin has three schools for now; they are the Choubei School, the Jiangdong School and the South Unit School. Irwin is the largest foreign language training school in Yiwu with 2000 square meters and 60 staff. According to the requirements of Yiwu business and language learning of children and teenagers, Irwin school tries to develop the best training courses based on independent research. At present Irwin has the most language training subjects in Yiwu, they are English, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, French, Japanese and Russian. In the field of English training, the school has many kinds of classes, including business English, new concept English, oral English, VIP English 1 to 1, interesting English for children, public English level test (PETS). Irwin is becoming the brand English training base with the highest quality and the best learning effect in Yiwu. The cornerstone of development in Irwin is the construction of the best facilities and team of teachers. The three schools all adhere to high standardized management with a great learning environment. There are nearly 50 multimedia classrooms each equipped with the latest multimedia equipment and software. Each member of the Irwin family must uphold “Three high standards” and be educated, virtuous and noble. Irwin has 46 foreign teachers who are very professional, 10 of them have a Master’s degree, 36 of them have a Bachelor’s degree and 80 percent of them have 1 years training in teaching abroad. Irwin’s foreign language team is the best in Yiwu Irwin continues to promote teaching reform and innovation according to the needs of Yiwu export-oriented economy development. Irwin has organized a team of experts to compose our own teaching material that provides guarantee the training in the foreign trade field. For young children and teenagers we regularly organize English parties, English speech contests, English camps and so on. Irwin does this in order to pique their interest in English. To meet the demand of high-end ever changing English learning, the school opened foreign 1 to 1 VIP class. So far Irwin has already had more than 20,000 students; of which, 10,000 were foreign trade students, 5,000 were teenagers who are still in school and 3,000 children. Since 2009, Irwin has been rated as “Highest Quality, Integrity Unit” and the “Lanjun volunteers love unit”, because of the quality of our teaching. In 2012, Irwin was designated by Nohai as the unique combination of education base in Yiwu, and carried out the second foreign language teaching courses with the cooperation of the second middle school in Yiwu. In early 2013, Irwin School was selected as “ The best talent qualification education training institutions of Sina Zhejiang for 2012” by the Sina Education Channel. For the future, Irwin will focus on foreign language training with professionalism and concentration as always. Irwin will strive to be the best foreign language training institute in the Zhejiang region. Our experience 培训学员20000余名 教职员工近60人 科目之全为义乌之最 学校创始于2007年 Send message 清除提交 Services & products 中外教结合 随着新课程标准的发布和新教材的改编,过去英语教学中一味地重视英语学习的工具性已经不能满足学生对英语知识和文化的需要。中外教结合是英语教学进一步发展的必由之路。 外语速度提升 很多人都会认为英语很难学,但是欧文外语学校却认为只要我们能够掌握《快速学习英语的方法》,英语还是很容易学会的。 学习效果好 学习效果《欧文外语学校》主要以培养好的学习习惯,好的习惯是学习效果好的保证。一个好的习惯是学习能继续下去的保证,没有好的习惯就如同走路没有正确的姿势。 自定义时间 不少来《欧文外语学校》学习的学员都是成年人,在工作之余才能来到学校学习,而我们最人性化的就是,根据学员方便来自定义学习时间,随到随学。 一对一辅导 教学需要初步了解几何方面知识,同时加强阅读能力和分析问题解决问题能力的培养,为进一步学习作准备。一对一辅导便是针对性对学员进行一对一的教育。 十年教学经验 《欧文外语学校》自2007年成立已经有十年的历史,而十年前教师团队依然留在《欧文外语学校》担任高级讲师。十年教学经验使得《欧文外语学校》在教学的道路上经验丰厚。 学校档案